
When you’ve finished writing and your manuscript is ready for the editing stage, I’m here to help! I offer services from first stage editing to final stage proofreading. However, it can be useful to have different stages done by different people. With that in mind, the services below are offered from the perspective of me doing a single stage, though you may choose to have me do more than one.

I offer the following services for all genres of fiction:

Developmental/Structural Editing

What it is: Top level, “big picture” editing that looks at themes, plot, point of view, dialogue, character, and structure. Includes any suggestions for rewriting or new content and other “big” issues. An example of suggestions may be adding or deleting sentences, rewriting content, or highlighting glaring continuity errors.

What it is not: Line editing, proofreading, or a fine detail examination. This is not the stage of editing that is concerned with grammar or punctuation. I do not make changes to the manuscript. You’ll receive suggestions through Track Changes (Word) or Comment (Google Doc), where you’ll be free to follow or disregard the suggestions at your discretion.

Rate: $0.02 per word*

Line Editing

What it is: The first step after developmental/structural edit has been completed. This is a deeper level examination that digs into style, grammar, word usage, and tense. The focus of this stage is the content as a whole, checking to see if the writing is clear and enjoyable to read. Suggestions may include pointing out run on sentences, pacing issues, overuse of words, redundancies, confusing action scenes, and passages that don’t read well.

What it is not: Proofreading.

Rate: $0.03 per word*


What it is: The final stage before publishing, after all other stages and rounds of edits have been completed. This stage involves addressing the errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Examples include typos, double words, punctuation errors, etc.

What it is not: Editing of any kind. At this stage, I will be examining the manuscript on word by word level, not looking for overall readability, continuity, and things like that. Proofreading should not be the first stage, nor should it be the only stage your manuscript goes through before publishing.

Rate: $0.02 per word*

*Per word on the manuscript you send initially, not on the final one that may have words added/deleted during the process. Fee includes document returned using Track Changes (Word) or Comments/Suggested Edits (Google Docs). If you’d like a clean document with all changes/suggestions accepted, I’m happy to provide that at no additional charge.

50% discount on additional services for same manuscript.